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November 15, 2024
Journal of Adult Development
COVID‐19 and Americans’ Mental Health: A Persistent Crisis, Especially for Emerging Adults 18 to 29
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Emerging Adulthood
In recent decades, the lives of people in their late teens and twenties have changed so dramatically that a new stage of life has developed. In his provocative work, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett has identified the period of emerging adulthood as distinct from both the adolescence that precedes it and the young adulthood that comes in its wake. Arnett's new theory has received enormous worldwide scholarly attention and has inspired a thriving new field of research. See the website of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA),
Learn More About Emerging Adulthood
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a developmental psychologist at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is Senior Research Scholar at Clark University. He is the originator of the theory of emerging adulthood and the author of Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties, published by Oxford University Press. He was the Founding President and first Executive Director of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood ( He lives in Worcester with his wife Lene Jensen and they are the parents of emerging adult twins, Miles and Paris.
For a full list of Dr. Arnett’s publications and their citations, see his Google Scholar Page.
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In addition to his scholarship on emerging adulthood, Dr. Arnett has made notable contributions in the areas of promoting a more culturally-inclusive psychology; adolescents’ risk behavior; media use in adolescence; and adolescents’ responses to cigarette advertising. His first book, Metalheads, published in 1994, was on the subculture of adolescent heavy metal fans. His research on adolescents’ responses to cigarette advertising has played an important role in successful litigation against the major tobacco companies, resulting in the almost total removal of cigarette advertising from American life.
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